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Semi-Technical Skills

refers to a group of vocations that, while not requiring high education or specialised skill sets, do require prior training and specific talents. People working in semi-skilled labour roles usually have to do monotonous duties while maintaining a high standard of quality in their services or goods.

Meeting for results

This course aims to improve corporate meetings by providing tools to generate results, align agendas with goals, assign accountability, and make decisions that facilitate work. It covers two types of meetings and shares other tools for handling "group from hell." The course teaches easy, quick, and transferable tools that can be used in most work situations, including parties. It also addresses the challenge of meeting with no results, ensuring that discussions are productive and not seen as time-wasting. The goal is to make meetings enjoyable and effective for all members of the team.

Presentation with Skill (and heart)

The workshop on presentation skills is designed to help participants acquire and practice skills for success. The three-day workshop includes two days of theory and practice, two days of individual presentations, and follow-through to ensure confidence. The focus is on understanding what is truly presented, how to succeed, where to get confidence, when to stop, how to be impactful, and how to capture attention. The workshop is an antithesis of the traditional "spray and pray" approach, where the presenter's presence is the presentation itself.

Performance Management

This program aims to help managers understand why people join companies and why they work with them. It covers the entire employee journey, from hiring to their tenure, and focuses on delivering results and how to get the best out of them. It challenges traditional job descriptions and performance appraisals, addressing the diverse expectations and working styles of the multigenerational workforce. The course, which lasts three days, provides tools and completed work on managing associates, which can be applied to the entire team and organization.

Managing Transition for Change

This course aims to alleviate trepidation about managing change by using Bill Bridges' principles and focusing on effective catalysts and coaches. Participants will learn to anticipate change more and step into the role of one who manages it. The journey during the process will be explored, and tools to make the journey light and quick will be learned. The goal is to create a plan for specific change situations.

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