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Soft Skills

Soft skills can also be thought of as people skills. These can include good communication and interpersonal skills, leadership, problem solving, work ethic, time management, and teamwork.

Pottery Workshop

Soft Skills

This course explores the question of whether leaders are born or developed. It focuses on situational self-leadership, exploring popular concepts from Drucker, Blanchard, Steve Jobs, Jim Collins, and 30 thought leaders. The course encourages individuals to develop their own leadership style and apply these concepts to their own situations. It encourages individuals to explore theories and concepts together, develop personal action plans, and join communities of like-minded leaders. The main concept is Shared Leadership, which is advocated and lived by thought leaders.

Leadership Development 


Cognitive coaching is a non-directive approach to coaching that encourages individuals to explore their thinking behind their actions, fostering independence in learning. It builds flexible problem-solving skills by providing personal insights into the learner's thinking processes. This approach is similar to the G.R.O.W. model of coaching, but requires interaction with multiple individuals to reach collective agreement. The course emphasizes Shared Leadership and offers certification opportunities for certified coaches in the International Coach Federation (ICF). The coaches are seasoned Organization Development practitioners and coaches of the highest degree, and the learner can join a vibrant community of coaches.

Executive and Team Coaching


A teambuilding workshop can help address conflicts and confusion in roles, allowing for better teamwork. A facilitator must understand the request and understand the level of teambuilding needed. A series of programs aims to develop teams, with three levels: Getting to know you, Team Development Stages, and High Performing Team. Each level offers an engaging approach, ensuring the team can design their own success and measure it. The program ensures that learning is transferable to new members, ensuring that the team's growth and success are achieved.

Team Development Process


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