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Team Meeting

Our approach goes beyond knowledge transfer; it inspires personal growth. 

This personal development seamlessly translates into organizational change, fostering a dynamic environment where every individual becomes a beacon of positive transformation, contributing to a culture of lasting success within your company.


Professional Presentation

Leadership Development (First line to C-suite)

This course explores the question of whether leaders are born or developed. It focuses on situational self-leadership, exploring popular concepts from Drucker, Blanchard, Steve Jobs, Jim Collins, and 30 thought leaders. The course encourages individuals to develop their own leadership style and apply these concepts to their own situations. It encourages individuals to explore theories and concepts together, develop personal action plans, and join communities of like-minded leaders. The main concept is Shared Leadership, which is advocated and lived by thought leaders.

Chess Game

Strategic Planning

Planning theories have been taught by thought leaders, but one common denominator remains: one must have a goal. This involves understanding the company's goals, their basis, and how to measure their achievement. Models of planning include OKR (Objectives and Key Results), which originated from MBO (Management by Objectives) and Balance Score Cards. The decision of which model to use depends on the business's nature, age, industry, and what works. This course aims to assist in identifying the best model, which can be a hybrid. Tools used in the course include a workable plan, a commitment to implement, and a process to ensure goals are met. Changing goals midstream is easy and doesn't compromise performance quality.

Man at his Desk

Developing Corporate DNA

Fists in Solidarity

Team Development Process

A teambuilding workshop can help address conflicts and confusion in roles, allowing for better teamwork. A facilitator must understand the request and understand the level of teambuilding needed. A series of programs aims to develop teams, with three levels: Getting to know you, Team Development Stages, and High Performing Team. Each level offers an engaging approach, ensuring the team can design their own success and measure it. The program ensures that learning is transferable to new members, ensuring that the team's growth and success are achieved.


Meeting for Results

This course aims to improve corporate meetings by providing tools to generate results, align agendas with goals, assign accountability, and make decisions that facilitate work. It covers two types of meetings and shares other tools for handling "group from hell." The course teaches easy, quick, and transferable tools that can be used in most work situations, including parties. It also addresses the challenge of meeting with no results, ensuring that discussions are productive and not seen as time-wasting. The goal is to make meetings enjoyable and effective for all members of the team.

Lead presentations during meetings

Presentation with Skill (and Heart)

The workshop on presentation skills is designed to help participants acquire and practice skills for success. The three-day workshop includes two days of theory and practice, two days of individual presentations, and follow-through to ensure confidence. The focus is on understanding what is truly presented, how to succeed, where to get confidence, when to stop, how to be impactful, and how to capture attention. The workshop is an antithesis of the traditional "spray and pray" approach, where the presenter's presence is the presentation itself.

Office Meeting

Performance Management

This program aims to help managers understand why people join companies and why they work with them. It covers the entire employee journey, from hiring to their tenure, and focuses on delivering results and how to get the best out of them. It challenges traditional job descriptions and performance appraisals, addressing the diverse expectations and working styles of the multigenerational workforce. The course, which lasts three days, provides tools and completed work on managing associates, which can be applied to the entire team and organization.

Lathe Operators

Managing Transitions for Change

This course aims to alleviate trepidation about managing change by using Bill Bridges' principles and focusing on effective catalysts and coaches. Participants will learn to anticipate change more and step into the role of one who manages it. The journey during the process will be explored, and tools to make the journey light and quick will be learned. The goal is to create a plan for specific change situations.

Lathe Operators

Executive and team coaching

Cognitive coaching is a non-directive approach to coaching that encourages individuals to explore their thinking behind their actions, fostering independence in learning. It builds flexible problem-solving skills by providing personal insights into the learner's thinking processes. This approach is similar to the G.R.O.W. model of coaching, but requires interaction with multiple individuals to reach collective agreement. The course emphasizes Shared Leadership and offers certification opportunities for certified coaches in the International Coach Federation (ICF). The coaches are seasoned Organization Development practitioners and coaches of the highest degree, and the learner can join a vibrant community of coaches.

Lathe Operators

Executive and team coaching

Cognitive coaching is a non-directive approach to coaching that encourages individuals to explore their thinking behind their actions, fostering independence in learning. It builds flexible problem-solving skills by providing personal insights into the learner's thinking processes. This approach is similar to the G.R.O.W. model of coaching, but requires interaction with multiple individuals to reach collective agreement. The course emphasizes Shared Leadership and offers certification opportunities for certified coaches in the International Coach Federation (ICF). The coaches are seasoned Organization Development practitioners and coaches of the highest degree, and the learner can join a vibrant community of coaches.

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